Braun Safety Giving Set
(Pack of 5)
1 Pack = 5 Braun Safety Pieces
Single-use, sterile infusion systems for administration of infusion solutions.
Innovative IV-Set with inline drip chamber and needle-free access port. In combination with Intrafix® Primeline Flush Secondary Line it offers the possibility to rinse the complete system after each drug with reduction of residual volume left in the line.
Air Embolism:
AirStop filter in drip-chamber: AirStop filter helps to prevent air entrainment into the infusion tubing. Helps to prevent infusion-related infections.2
Swabable needle-free valve: Self sealing valve avoids the intake of air.3
Chemical Contamination:
PrimeStop: A protective cap lined with a hydrophobic membrane stops fluid leaking.4, 5
Swabable needle-free valve: Self sealing valve helps to prevent spillage and drug exposure.3
Chemical Contamination, Drug Incompatibility & Medication Error:
Configuration of the IV-Set: Possibility to flush the whole line after each administration decreases these risks and helps to prevent failure of therapy caused by substance losses and working in a closed system. 6, 7, 8, 9
Medication Error & DEHP Exposure:
DEHP-free tubing: No risk of DEHP exposure.
Microbiological Contamination
Airvent: Bacteria-tight proven air vent helps to prevent the risk of contamination while venting the solution container.10
Swabable needle-free valve: Easy disinfection of the swabable needle-free valve.11
Swabable needle-free valve: Needle-free connector is designed to prevent microbial ingress and the escape of contaminants.12
PrimeStop: A protective cap lined with a hydrophobic, bacteria tight membrane stops fluid leaking. 4, 5
Configuration of the IV-Set: No re-spiking necessary before administration of next drug.
Particulate Contamination:
Fluid filter in drip-chamber: Fluid filter in the drip chamber is retaining particulate matter 15 μm and below.13
Swabable needle-free valve: Needle-free access helps to prevent coring of membranes.
Sharps Injury:
Swabable needle-free valve: Needle-free access helps to prevent sharp injuries.14, 15
2 Pheriphervenöse Schwerkraftinfusionen – Intrafix® SafeSet mit Vorteilen gegenüber herkömmlichen Infusionssystemen written by lic. rer. pol. Andreas Frei, Die Schwester Der Pfleger 43. Jahrg. 5/04
3 Test Report – Closed system test by means of Sodium Fluorescein signed by Dr. rer. nat. J. Brünke, Harald Gerauer, Quality Labs BT GmbH Nuremberg, Report 1678,1-2, 28.05.20131
4 Test Report – Closed system test by means of Sodium Fluorescein signed by Dr. rer. nat. J. Brünke Quality Labs BT GmbH Nuremberg, Report 1678.2-1, 28.05.2013
5 Confirmation PrimeStop Cap – Bacteria retention signed by Gudrun Henke and Andreas Katerkamp, 16.03.2017
6 Der vergessene Rest – Totvolumina bei Kurzinfusionen written by N. Lilienthal, Federal Institute of Drugs and Medicinal Devices
(BfArM), June 2015
7 Flushing vascular access catheters: Risks for infection transmission written by Lynn Hadaway, RN, C, MEd, CRNI
8 Evaluation of the dead volume in intravenous short-term infusion written by Herbert Plagge, PhD; Juliane Golmick; Delia Bornand; Stefanie Deuster, PhD
9 Infusion Therapy Standards of Practice, page 85 published in Journal of Infusion Nursing (January/February 2016, Volume 39)
10 Test Report – Closed system test by means of Sodium Fluorescein signed by Dr. rer. nat. J. Brünke Quality Labs BT GmbH Nuremberg, Report 1678.3, 28.05.2013
11 Test report – Evaluation of the microbial barrier performance of CareSite® valve against sporesog Bacillussubtilis signed by Prof. Dr. med. M.Exner and Dr. rer. nat. J. Gebel, Report DMT 2013-412, 11.12.2013
12 Test report – Evaluation of the microbial barrier performance of the female valve Caresite® by touch contamination with Staphylococus aureus signed by Prof. Dr. med. M.Exner and Dr. rer. nat. J. Gebel, Report DMT 2014-194, 09.12.2014
13 Confirmation ISO Standard – ISO 8536-4 signed by Gudrun Henke and Caroline Führ, 16.03.2017
14 American Nurses Association – Independent Study Module: Needlestick Safety and Prevention written by Mary Foley, MS, RN
and Annemarie T. Leyden, EdD, RN
15 Review Article – Review on Needle Free Drug Delivery Systems, International Journal of Pharma Research & Review, written by Bhagyashri Chavan, Abha Doshi, Yashwant Malode, Balu Misal, Sept 2013; 2(9):30-36